Noble Package (No Payment Required)
Perfect for freelancers. No Payment Required Basic vendor listing with essential details (business name, contact information, brief description). Inclusion in relevant category listings. Limited image uploads (e.g., up to 3 images). No access to customer reviews and ratings. Standard customer support.
$0 -
Royal Package (Per Month Payment))
Ideal choice for Start-ups and Mid-level Vendors looking out to grow. Enhanced vendor listing with comprehensive information (business name, contact, detailed description, portfolio). Priority placement in category listings. Increased image uploads (e.g., up to 10 images). Per Month Access to customer reviews and ratings. Standard customer support
$19.99 -
Imperial Package (Per Month Payment)
Chosen by the vendors dealing at an enterprise level. Extensive vendor listing with advanced features (business name, contact, detailed description, portfolio, customer reviews, ratings). Top placement in category listings. Unlimited image uploads. Featured status on the platform’s homepage. Advanced customer support.